Listen to Our New alBUM

About Stefski and Hutch
The world has changed, again, not for the better. Not Yet, but the fight is not over. Rock music, except for a few big stars, have returned to the underground but is very much alive, because this music has a universal strength. They are thousands, maybe hundred of thousands of rock bands around the planet. Words and culture have a signification for the state of the world. Inspired by all that everybody have experienced in a way or another these last few years, Stefski & Hutch’s new album arrives with a clear proposition: a music very familiar but refreshingly original in the same time. A statement for all the alternative tribes around the world. This is not a political album directly but it’s ambition is to talk about our times and lives with an artistic voice, not shying away. The music is a rollercoaster of riffs and grooves and melodies often retaining a pop music appeal. Critics have already compared them to QOTSA, The Black Keys or Alter Bridge, but they only knew the opener of the album, « Selling Lies », when this journalists were writing those lines. What would they compare the second song, Retaliation, with? Some new Punk-Rock played by Muse? In this songs there’s Funk, there’s Metal, touches of Hard and Classic Rock, Soul, Psychedelia, Grunge, Indie… all that makes for a great and unique alternative cocktail, or simply the sound of rock music in 2024.
They are hooks and catchy melodies everywhere but nothing‘s based on any formula, everything comes from their heart and their playing, their fingers. Stefski is a commanding lead singer, but the work on the backing vocals done by Hutch is a vital part of their sound and makes the whole album flow well in a pace of its own. Hutch is the lead guitarist, and he shines, when needed, always to serve the purpose of the song, he played all bass and arranges the songs to give them this special touch while Stefski’s guitars are often the basis of the songs, as it should for a rhythm guitarist, but there’s two songs on the album he almost doesn’t play at all. A solid drummer, Maciej Duszak helps brilliantly to create the rhythm, behind the pursuit of the groove and shake, sometimes, the band venture in odd time signatures that only add to the pleasure of the listeners letting hear something different, something that is rarely played this way in contemporary rock, recalling the freedom of the music of the 70’s or Prog-rock. The second single, « It’s Forever » is a twisted grungy waltz! Songs like « Not in my Name », « Freedom of Speech » or « Spine of men » confirms that the band keeps a clear musical direction adding every time a different flavor or musical surprise. There’s even a beautiful pop song a bit hidden at the end of the album. But how would that all be possible? Will all these promises work on tape and really sound good? Check it by yourself, Just push play!
Stefski & Hutch is a rock band founded in 2016 by a songwriter born in Paris and a guitarist, composer and producer from Warsaw. Very „guitar-orientend” in their approach but still keeping their sound fresh. With the release of their new album they have defined a sound of their own, familiar but refreshingly original rock music inspired by a few generations of artists.
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Selling Lies
The single Selling Lies was released on the 02.02 and have already contributed to build an international following for the band. Have You heard it